The Day Care

The Day Care 1990

Women constitute 77% of the staff and volunteers at Imam Sadr Foundation, almost half of them are of childbearing age. Having the women empowerment as its core issue, the foundation is keen to ensure the basic rights of women, especially in enjoyment of health, comfort and luxury despite any social, personal or professional condition.
Within this perception, it was necessary to keep working mother close to her child and establish a specialized unit to take care of babies and keep them at the proximity of their mothers. So that mothers can work calm, as they get their right breastfeed and take care of their babies within a safe and secure environment.
The unit is equipped with supplies for safety, tranquility and entertainment. Today, only working mothers in the cultural compound of ISF in Tyre can benefit from the service, but there is a project to outreach babies from neighboring area.
Qualified and committed babysitters alternate in taking care of the children and responding to their needs and comfort.

Below is the on-line application form, including the eligibility criterion and the procedures to follow. Send to: