
The Commander of the Italian Contingent Operating under UNIFIL, Col. Gianatazio, Visits the Cultural Compound


Col. Giacomo Giattanozio, commander of the Italian battalion operating within UNIFIL with its headquarters in Mansouri, visits the cultural complex in Tyre on Tuesday morning (November 6, 2018) where he is greeted by Mrs. Rabab Sadr and Mr. Nijad Charafeddine, Chairperson and Director General of the Foundation, respectively.

Mrs. Rabab Sadr welcomed her guests and noted the cooperation of UNIFIL with the citizens in various fields. She presented the vision of Imam Sadr and how it is projected in the current projects that concern the people and the values of cooperation which “we consider to be the main condition for success in building a better life.” She also looked forwards to having her guests explore new ways of technical support in handicrafts, to improve opportunities for women and young people to find work.

Col. Gianataizio said that Imam Sadr Foudnation is a pioneer in the area of its work and is known to everyone. He said that he was briefed on its programs and activities on the website and felt the desire to get acquainted with the humanitarian and social work aspect being done in this complex. After that, the visitor toured the educational and pastoral facilities, and was amazed by the features of happiness and satisfaction on the faces of children, which reflect the nature and essence of what is happening here.