
Sadr Foundation Participates in the AUB-USJ NGO Fair 2018


A delegation from Imam Sadr Foundation (ISF) attended the American University of Beirut and Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth NGO fair (AUB-USJ NGO fair 2018) to participate with over 100 NGOs in a-two-day-exhibition on April 23-24 at AUB and USJ campuses, where they raised awareness on civic issues and promoted ISF’s achievements such as “Papyrus”; the Art of Recycled Paper, and networked with other NGOs.

The attendees were from different academic institutions and members of the civil society who showed interest in Imam Sadr’s vision and the foundations’ achievements. Some were also interested in volunteering, and other NGOs suggested possible future collaboration ideas.

Below are some photos of the event with some recycled and upcycled products of Papyrus.